Berocca® Boost effervescent energy multivitamin tablets support an energy boost.
Berocca® Boost can stimulate and energise you. It contains Guarana which contains natural caffeine, which can help you feel more awake and alert. Berocca® supports the release of natural positive energy so you can be at your best whatever daily challenges you’re facing. The formula of magnesium, zinc, calcium, vitamin C and eight B vitamins helps release energy from your food, reduces tiredness and fatigue and also supports stamina and mental alertness. Combined with Guarana makes Berocca® the ideal choice for when you need that extra boost of energy.
Getting your Berocca® couldn’t be simpler. Drop a tablet into a glass of water and leave it to dissolve. Spark your energy!
The formula of magnesium, zinc, calcium, vitamin C and eight B vitamins helps release energy from your food, reduces tiredness and also supports stamina and mental alertness. Combined with Caffeine and Guarana makes Berocca® Boost the ideal choice for when you need that extra boost of energy.
Each Berocca® contains:
Vitamin B1 Thiamine1,4 mg
Vitamin B2 Riboflavin1,6 mg
Vitamin B3 Niacin18 mg
Vitamin B5 Pantothenic6 mg
Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine2 mg
Vitamin B7 Biotin100 μg
Vitamin B9 Folic acid200 μg
Vitamin B12 Cyanocobalamin1 μg
Vitamin C Ascorbic acid50 mg
Calcium100 mg
Magnesium100 mg
Zinc9,5 mg
Guaraná222.2 mg (18% caffeine)
1Huskisson E, et al. The role of Vitamins and minerals in energy metabolism and wellbeing. The journal of international medical reach. 2007;35:277-289
2South African Health Products Regulatory Authority. COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINES - HEALTH SUPPLEMENTS SAFETY AND EFFICACY. [Online] 03 02 2020. [Cited: 03 02 2020.] http://www.sahpra.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/7.04_SE_Health_Supplements_Jun16_v2..docx.pdf. 7.04_SE_Health_Supplements_Jun16_v2.
Get more time in your day with less time shopping. Get your Berocca® Boost from a store nearby.