Zinc – the mineral your body can’t function without

Like calcium, zinc is one of the most important minerals in your body. It is present in all tissues and body fluids and is especially abundant in the brain. It is thought to be one of the most powerful antioxidants. Zinc occurs naturally in certain foods. Unfortunately, it is not stored by your body so it needs to be supplemented.


Brain icon

Is essential to the cognitive and nervous systems.

Plate and cutlery icon

Is present in many animal- and plant-based foods.

The role of zinc

  • It is involved in the activity of more than 300 enzymes aiding the processes of metabolism, digestion, nerve function and many others.
  • This mineral plays a key role in certain cellular mechanisms. Its immune function can help the body to adjust during seasonal weather changes.
  • It aids healing process of wounds and helps fight against skin problems.
  • It plays a role in synthesis of proteins.
  • Zinc is a powerful antioxidant. It neutralizes free radicals, protects the cells of the skin and participates in growth of hair and nails.
  • It is essential to the cognitive and nervous systems and contributes to their proper functioning.
  • It plays a role in DNA synthesis.
  • This mineral aids growth and development. It promotes cell growth and division.

As you can see, zinc is a vital mineral that your body uses in many ways. The consequences of insufficient zinc can greatly harm your body.

Consequences of zinc deficiency

  • Decreased mental performance and behavioural issues. Zinc contributes to normal cognitive functioning.
  • Reduced ability to taste or smell. One of the enzymes crucial for proper taste and smell is dependent on zinc. If you want to enjoy your tasty meal, make sure you provide your body with enough zinc.
  • Impaired growth and development.
  • Skin rashes.
  • Impaired wound healing. Zinc is commonly used in hospitals as a treatment for burns, certain ulcers and other skin injuries.
  • Increased chances of infection. If you want to stay healthy throughout all seasons you need to make sure you boost your body with zinc.

Zinc is present in many animal- and plant-based foods. This makes it easy for people to get enough zinc if they follow a healthy and balanced diet.

Zinc food sources

  • oysters and some types of seafood (crab and lobster),
  • lean red meat (beef, pork and bison),
  • poultry (chicken and turkey),
  • fish (flounder, sardines, salmon and sole),
  • dairy products (milk, yogurt and cheeses),
  • nuts (almonds and hazelnuts),
  • beans,
  • whole grains (oats, rye and whole wheat bread),
  • vegetables (mushrooms, kale, peas and asparagus),
  • dried fruits.
Quote – Zinc is needed in various processe in your body

Due to the fact that not everyone absorbs zinc in the same way and in equal amounts and that zinc is not stored by your body, supplements are highly recommended. Berocca® Boost is a great zinc – based dietary supplement.

There are some groups of people who are more at risk of zinc deficiency than others. They include:

  • vegetarians and vegans,
  • pregnant and breastfeeding women,
  • older infants who are exclusively breastfed,
  • people with sickle cell anaemia,
  • people who are malnourished,
  • people who abuse alcohol,
  • people with chronic kidney disease.

Zinc is needed in various processes in your body and plays an important role as an antioxidant, in DNA synthesis and in growth and development. That is why you should always remember to eat plenty of foods rich in zinc or use dietary supplements.


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